The documentation set for this product strives to use bias-free language. For the purposes of this documentation set, bias-free is defined as language that does not imply discrimination based on age, disability, gender, racial identity, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and intersectionality. Exceptions may be present in the documentation due to language that is hardcoded in the user interfaces of the product software, language used based on RFP documentation, or language that is used by a referenced third-party product. Learn more about how Cisco is using Inclusive Language.
The SBL for AM57xx devices uses LLD drivers to read and write from bootmedia supported. The SBL uses the default SOC configuration of thedrivers and the speeds setup. For example, the SPI driver default SPIbitrate is 1 MHz (ReferPDK_INSTALL_PATHpackagestidrvspisrcSPI_drv.c) so if you wish tospeed up boot you can update the SPI parameter in the SBL as shownbelow: setup free
NOTESYSBOOT settings for AM57xxThe SYSBOOT configuration in your hardware using Sitara devices(AM3/AM4/AM5) can play a big role in the time required to bootsuccessfully. On these devices the boot pins configure a boot sequencefor the ROM bootloader to check for valid boot image so if you have apreferred boot mode designers are required to use SYSBOOT setup suchthat the preferred boot media is first in the boot sequence. If thepreferred boot media occurs later boot sequence, the boot is likely toadd the time required by RBL to check other boot media for an validimage. For example if QSPI is the preferred boot media on your AM57xxhardware then you should have system configure SYSBOOT to boot of QSPIfirst using SYSBOOT setting for QSPI_1 or QSPI4 for Memory preferredbooting or Production booting (Refer: Initialization chapter inTRM).Incorrect SYSBOOT configuration can causes long delays especiallyif peripheral boot is configured to be one of the preferred boot modesin the boot order
The recommended rule-of-thumb to compiling projects in the Processor SDKRTOS package is to use the makefiles provided. The makefiles are usableafter setting up your shell/terminal/command prompt environment with thesetupenv.bat or script located in
NOTEapp should not have loadable sections residing in SBL memory region toprevent overwriting SBL during load time. It is, however, free to useSBL memory after it is loaded and running.
Bootloading an application is a system level issue which is impacted byhardware as well as software setup. There are some common steps thatusers are expected to check while debugging boot related issues. Thissection discusses common issues to checkout when debugging applicationboot.
The Processor SDK bootloader ships with DDR clock and timing settingsthat apply to the external memory devices that have been used in TIevaluation platforms. When running the code on custom platforms, usersmay be required to change these setting to match the timings required bycustom design. We highly recommend that users create a GEL scriptsimilar to one provided by TI and test the memory interface with the newsettings before using them in the secondary bootloader to setup externalmemory. **Processor SDKDiagnostics**provides a mem_test that can be used to test read and writes to theentire DDR address space for confirming the SOC EMIF settings.
If SpyHunter is not able to automatically remove a malware object, our customer support system, included with the Spyware HelpDesk, is here to assist subscribers with the paid version of SpyHunter (with limited support for free versions). The Spyware HelpDesk offers subscribers direct access to our technical support team to help with common questions and provide one-on-one support for specific malware problems that may be unique to their computers. 2ff7e9595c